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Work At Home Idea And Opportunity How To Use A Blog To Promote It

Everyday people all over the world go online looking for the right work at home idea and opportunity for them. If you search long enough you can find something without to many problems. The problem occurs when you try to promote your new home business but you are not sure what to start with. One tool that is essential to the success of your business is a blog. There are a couple of different reasons why you want to have a blog no matter what work at home idea and opportunity you promote.

One: Search engines love blogs because if you do it right, your blog will have fresh content on a regular basis. Fresh content is what the search engines look for. When you submit your blog articles to various social directories this serves as bait for search engines and leads them back to your blog. Two: You can easily write a short article to post on your blog every week or find someone to write it for you. So keeping fresh content on your site doesn't take long at all. 250 word articles are more than long enough to add value to your blog and get your point across.

After you write a few of these you will find you can write short meaningful blog posts in 15 to 20 minutes. Three: There are many different blog directories where you can submit the URL to your blog. It is easier to promote this way. Of course there are other ways you can promote it but this is the most easiest and most popular way.

Four: On a blog your potential customers can interact by leaving their comment on your blog about what they think of an article or something else that you have on there. People love sites where they can interact with other people. Five: You can put the RSS feed from your blog onto another site that you own so that you will be promoting the other site as well as your blog.

Plus using the RSS feed from your blog will give your other site fresh content on a regular basis. RSS feeds are a grat way to people informed about your business. Whereas email marketing can be tough to get your email past a spam filter you do have that problem with these.

This is several good reasons why you need a blog to promote your work at home idea and opportunity. They are easy to set up too so you may as well get one going today.

Gianfranco Focarelli invites you to visit his easy work at home idea and opportunity website today. It is dedicated to researching the best internet marketing opportunity for your situation. For more unique work from home tips please go here now:===> http://www.worldprofitsonline.com

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